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As a client of Intuitiv Technology, your actions are explicitly ecological ones too.


Committed to the environment, faithful to our values and because tomorrow is built today, Intuitiv Technology has chosen to support environmental programmes.

Défi pour la Terre

Their objective > To act globally

Each ecological gesture has an impact.

Our earth is fragile and threatened, we should recognise this and adapt the way we produce and consume.

80% of our services are qualified: 0% paper, 0% CO2 transport.

Coeur de Forêt

Their objective > To plant trees and encourage the development of fair trade in primary forests.

We are participating in reforestation in the Amazon. The Association “Coeur de forêt” is mobilising to regenerate biodiversity and help threatened forest populations.

A purchased service = A tree planted (realised by an adoption certificate in pdf format).