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In an increasingly competitive environment that requires responsiveness and a control of extensive knowledge, accessing information is a strategic issue for companies, their employees, their partners and their clients.

There are many issues surrounding e-solutions: Improving the visibility of your commercial offers, developing your sales, offering new on-line services throughout all parts of your company and/or improving the relationships between the actors in your environment.

The web solutions proposed by Intuitiv Technology give you an answer to these problems. Together, we create the most adapted solutions: Internet, intranet and extranet portals, e-commerce solutions, blogs, forums, wiki, widgets etc.

We will support you in the implementation of an interactive solution, a unique entry gate, customised and secured, shared by your users.

Our e-solutions all have one thing in common: Access is favoured towards those with the approprate information and who are known.

With e-solutions from Intuitiv Technology, you can fully exploit on-line technologies!