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Intuitiv Technology proposes training sessions on Liferay and OXID eSales in order to better meet your needs and expectations.

Well-known as an expert in the open-source solution Liferay, Intuitiv Technology proposes not only to assist you in integrating this tool that will allow you to realize all your projects related to the development of a portal and / or a full collaborative tool but also to train your staff and users in Paris or Amsterdam during a 5-day training session.

Intuitiv Technology also proposes a training session on the new E-commerce platform from Germany OXID eSales. Its flexibility, its modular wealth and its professionalism have appealed to Intuitiv Technology, which has become the first Premium Partner of this solution in France since 2011.

Liferay training session to learn how to use this unique platform which gathers all the functions necessary to the communication of information and the management of company collaborations: Collaborative portals, content management, community platforms etc.

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OXID eSales training session to learn how to use the new open-source E-commerce platform to create your own customized E-commerce websites: full control of the website, high flexibility, advanced modularity and professionalism…

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